Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Surgery Prep

Mom is prepping for DS2's surgery... I got a tour of the pediatric unit at the hospital last Thursday, and I asked the surgeon's nurse a lot of questions, so I feel a little more at ease now.

Two things that would postpone surgery are DS's lungs not being clear, or him coughing. He started coughing (from his cold, presumably) on Friday, so we went to visit my doctor-brother Saturday to a little reassurance. His lungs were clear, and his ears didn't look infected either. We are hoping that the cough from the cold/drainage will go away in the next two days. It has been a less frequent today than yesterday, pretty much only right after DS2 wakes up.

We will have several visitors the first day or two. Our pastor is going to come see us before surgery. I didn't expect that, since it is so early in the morning, but today before church she said that she'd see us around 6:00 am Tuesday. My oldest brother works at the hospital and said he would come in to work early (he works 2nd shift) to see us before he goes in Tuesday. My other brother (the doc) said he would stop by on Wednesday. And my friend who works at the hospital said to call if I needed a break for a snack or something. My sister also mentioned coming to see us. I suspect that if we're in more than just one night that my dad will come visit, too. It's so great to have a supportive family (who live close) and friends!


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