Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Another night in PICU

We will be spending another night in PICU. DS2 is drinking better and is unhooked from the heart and respiratory monitors, but he is still on the O2 monitor. That's our big hold-up now. When he sleeps his oxygen level still drops too much. He also still has some fluid on his lungs. He was given lasix (sp?) to help with the fluid and possibly with the O2 (if the O2 problems are due to the fluid on the lungs). The ENT surgeon actually stopped by this morning. He has requested that the pulmonologist (the sleep study doc) come see DS2 to help determine what to do about the desat's. (That's their term for oxygen saturation in the blood dropping.)

We have decided to switch to regular tylenol if it seems to be enough pain relief, and we are letting DS2 sleep instead of waking him for the pain med. He's asleep now and has been for over 3 hours. They say that is the best for him (plus drinking lots when he's awake.)


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