Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Home after surgery

We got to come home Saturday afternoon. DS2 was off his IV Friday evening. It got clogged and they decided not to put in a new one, thankfully. His last IV med was also available orally, and since he was drinking and even eating some he didn't need the IV for fluids.

During afternoon nap we watched his O2 sats but did not give oxygen. I learned not to care about the drops from the sensor unless the visual waveform was consistent. Considering that, his O2 level dropped down only to 85. It always recovered on it's own. Overnight Friday DH stayed at the hospital, and I went home with DS1. I didn't sleep much better overall, but at least I was stretched out in my own bed. :-) The same "watch but don't supplement" procedure was don't for DS2's oxygen overnight. He always recovered quickly.

We didn't get out of there until about 1:30pm. We were ready about 9! And we were told that the pulmonologist called and said "ok" but that we had to wait for the hospitalist to come for a final check. She thought we were already gone, so after her rounds she went to lunch. (Since DS2 was the ONLY patient in PICU, she had no other reason to come check.) She apologized when she arrived and realized that we had been waiting on her. That's one of the reasons I don't like the doctors using a "hospitalist" to do their rounds. We were seen by a total of 5 doctors post-op in 5 days. We only saw our surgeon in the in pre-op, in the recovery room (Tuesday) and one other time (Thursday).


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