DS2 turned 4 yesterday!
And we're finally getting serious about toilet training. He has been sitting on the little potty a lot for the past month but has never put anything in it.
DH and I decided that we are not buying any more diapers. We have about 1/2 a mega package left and will use those at night until they're gone. We have a package of pull-ups that we'll use after that or when we know we'll be out of the house for a long time (until DS2 is ready).
So now he's wearing underwear! He voluntarily put them on this morning, for the first time. He wore some yesterday afternoon, but I slid them inside his pants first so I don't know if he realized what I was doing at the time. While we were outside yesterday, he had an accident. He looked down and said simply, "oops." I took him inside, took off the wet pants, and helped him onto the little potty (which is on the mini-tramp in the living room).
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