Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sick Kiddo

DS2 was vomiting last night. Sweet little guy toddled out the the living room, climbed up onto my lap in the recliner, snuggled a bit, barfed on me, then conked back out. Fortunately it stayed on my sweatshirt and didn't get on the couch. DS1 woke up and came out, too. We changed his jammies and my shirt, snuggled for a bit, then took the boys back to bed. Less than 30 minutes later, he came out again, laid on the floor next to my feet by the computer and barfed again, except there wasn't much there that time. We slept in the living room, both on the floor and in the recliner. He got sick a couple more times, including once a few minutes after drinking some water and nursing. You know it's bad when breast milk doesn't even stay down.

Now, about 4 hours since the last one, he's playing happily, talking to me and the TV, keeping water and toast down, and appears "well".


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