Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Night Terrors?

I am researching night terrors tonight because for the second time in a week, DS2 has cried and been scared after having been asleep for 90-120 minutes. I found Night Terrors Resource Center and suspect that we might be dealing with night terrors.

DS2 appears to wake up crying, but he doesn't really respond to me. He has said "I don't want to watch TV." both nights. Last time he wanted to be held, this time not particularly. He cries, "Mommy" also. It's hard to tell if his eyes are open because I keep the bedroom lights off and just have a hall light on. The crying lasts about 5 minutes, maybe less, then he calms down and falls back asleep. He has nasal congestion and drainage that causes coughing right now, so I wonder if that is a contributing factor. He has also felt slightly feverish the past few days and wasn't well Saturday evening and Sunday. According to the website, not getting enough sleep and make a person more susceptible to NTs.

Today I have been considering calling the doctor about DS2's congestion because I think he might have a sinus infection again. He was rubbing his ear this evening, too. I noticed yesterday that his throat is quite red. His tonsils were removed 2.5 yrs ago, but it kind of looks like they might be growing back. I'm not sure that's possible, but I've read that it can happen. (Oh, DS1 has huge tonsils right now, too. He has had allergy-like nasal drainage for a couple of months. I suppose I should take them both in for a check-up.)


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