Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Blood pressure

My ob checkup went well Friday, except that my blood pressure is still climbing. If it keeps climbing I will probably need to start in medication, which means I will need to wean DS because none of the hypertension medicines are considered safe for nursing. I want to do some checking on medicines, find out the risks and dangers of hypertension in pregnancy when it is chronice not pregnancy-induced, and see if there is anything I can do to keep it down. I really don't want to have to stop nursing DS, for emotional reasons for both of us. The nutrition is not a problem, he takes formula and J's milk now, and he is eating all kinds of foods, plus he is almost a year old and will be able to start whole cow's milk soon. But the night nursing and comfort nursing will be very hard to give up. I will need to be convinced that it is the best decision for all of us before doing it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003


Well, the pregnancy hormonal mood swings have started to set in. Both yesterday evening and one other time this past week I had crying episodes over things that normally would have bothered me a bit, but not so much as to make me cry. DH and I are both really stressed right now. He is getting ready for the Easter cantata that he is directing, plus his barbershop contest in a couple of weeks and their show in early May. I just finished my Sweet Adelines (also barbershop) competition last weekend. My brother is having surgery this week for cancer, we have until Monday to file for reimbursement for 2002 medical expenses or lose the money (about $800 unclaimed so far), and we haven't even started on our income taxes. DS's birthday is less than a month away and even though I want to do something special with family, I have no idea what or where, because having more than a couple people over to our house is out of the question.

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Feeling better

I feel so much better today than I have the past several days. I got an antibiotic on Friday for a sinus infection. It is helping a lot, plus the cold symptoms are also much better today. Because I can finally breath better I am sleeping better, too. One night earlier this week DS slept from 10 p.m. until 5:30! I only slept until 4 because I woke up and had to use the bathroom, but it was still the longest stretch of sleep I have had in a very long time!

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Talking to baby

Last night I took a nice long hot bath and talked to the baby. It felt so good to soak in the hot water! I told the baby that there were lots of people out here wanting it to grow and looking forward to meeting it in September. I should take a good long soak in the tub more often!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Morning Sickness

DS slept well last night, but I didn't. About 5:30 I woke up feeling awful. My Tylenol and Sudafed had both worn off. (I came down with a cold Monday.) And my stomach was very uneasy also. I got up and took more medicine, then went to the kitchen to fix some soothing chocolate milk. I promptly threw up in the kitchen sink, except the only thing in my stomach was one gingersnap and a little water. I didn't see either of the pills come up, though. After I got my nausea calmed down I drank the milk and went to sleep in the recliner. I woke up about 8 when DH came out to get me. I felt okay and was about to call my boss and let him know why I was late when I got the urge to vomit again, which I did. So I called and told him I was not coming in this morning, and that I would let him know about this afternoon later. I got dressed and took DS to daycare, then came home, ate a little, watched some TV, and took a nap. My nap lasted until 2pm, so I emailed my boss telling him the obvious, that I wasn't going to make it in this afternoon either.

The only bad part of this is that I am just now getting ready to pump. I didn't pump this morning because I was so tired. I had planned to pump around noon, but slept through. So now, it's mid-afternoon and I'm finally going to pump. I hope I get a lot and that this doesn't mess up my supply any more than it already is messed up.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003


Last Friday at my monthly OB checkup we heard the baby's heartbeat. The Dr. said that sometimes he can find it at 12 weeks and sometimes he can't. He did! It was around 160, which is quite normal for this early. He said my uterus was up higher than he expected. I wondered if it was because I had had quite a hefty bowel movement earlier in the morning and it got shoved around since it is still small enough to be influenced by my other organs.