Blood pressure
My ob checkup went well Friday, except that my blood pressure is still climbing. If it keeps climbing I will probably need to start in medication, which means I will need to wean DS because none of the hypertension medicines are considered safe for nursing. I want to do some checking on medicines, find out the risks and dangers of hypertension in pregnancy when it is chronice not pregnancy-induced, and see if there is anything I can do to keep it down. I really don't want to have to stop nursing DS, for emotional reasons for both of us. The nutrition is not a problem, he takes formula and J's milk now, and he is eating all kinds of foods, plus he is almost a year old and will be able to start whole cow's milk soon. But the night nursing and comfort nursing will be very hard to give up. I will need to be convinced that it is the best decision for all of us before doing it.