Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Monday, November 24, 2003

At Work

I am at my desk at work. I dropped DS2 off at daycare around noon today, then I went and watched (thorugh the one-way mirror) while DS1 played in his classroom. I stopped back in DS1's room on my way out and he was doing fine. They usually have a 3-1 ratio, but there were only 4 babies today (and one was asleep when we got there), so it is an even better 2-1 ratio.

I am confident that DS1 will do better today than I will. I was pleasantly surprised that it did feel pretty good going into my office and walking around. I just took my first pump break and got over 6 oz in about 9 minutes. After I take care of the milk I will be off to a general staff meeting. So today has consisted of opening my mail, catching up with a couple of coworkers, a pump break, and a staff meeting. No brain power needed whatsoever. :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2003

I'm not ready

Last night I realized that I'm not ready to have someone else take care of DS2. Intellectually I think that it will be okay, but emotionally I am not ready yet. We had a rough evening at the church nursery (I never made it to choir practice) because there were so many kids that I didn't feel comfortable leaving DS1. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through next week.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

The CHILD Disorder - The Natural Child Project -- This must be genetically transmitted. Both of my boys are showing signs of it, and I'm sure that I had it too! We are doing many of the approaches that minimize difficulties.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Out of the house alone

Today, I left the house alone for the first time since September 11, DS2's birthday. DH had jury duty and didn't get picked today, so he was home around 4pm. I pumped some milk and DH fed DS2. This was his 2nd time to successfully drink an ounce or more! Then I left to pick up DS1 from daycare. I was solo for only about 15 minutes, but more importantly DS2 was away from me for about 35 minutes. Next Monday we start daycare and work 1/2 days, for the 3 days before Thanksgiving, so I figured we had better get DS2 used to being with someone besides me, at least for a short time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


DS2 has not had a BM today yet. He has started having days like that. It's nice, I guess... less mess, but I'm not used to it yet. He used to have a BM after every feeding, now it is regularly less often than that, but skipping a half a day (plus skipping last night) is a big change.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Baptism & Bottle

Today DS2 was baptised. My dad and one brother and his family were there. We had bbq for lunch at the church afterwards and invited the pastor and her daughter to eat with us. We also invited another couple that is in the process of adopting a girl from China.

After lunch we went house hunting in a suburb of town. My other brother lives there so we stopped in to say Hello. He asked me if I had gone back to work yet. In answering his question, I realized that I only have 2 weeks left. I could have 3 weeks, but I'm planning on using the short week before Thanksgiving to go back part-time to give DS2 a chance to get used to daycare gradually and to give me a chance to get used to the change gradually too. (Plus if I work on Wednesday I will get holiday pay for Thursday and Friday.) That does mean that we have only 2 weeks to get DS2 drinking from a bottle. We tried for the first time tonight. He got some milk, but only because it drips from the nipple. I don't think he ever latched on, and I could tell that he didn't like it much. We'll keep trying. DS1 had trouble, but he was in NICU and we had lactation consultants helping us. I may need to call on my La Leche League friends if DS2 doesn't get it by the end of this week.