Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Welcome - Jon's Homeschool Resources

Mothering Magazine -- Poem: A Womans Choice

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Solid food

DS2 is very slowing getting into eating solid food. He had banana again last night and did very well. I took pears to daycare one day last week, and they said he didn't eat them very well. My guess is that he wasn't hungry at the time (or they were too cold), because he likes them better than banana at home. I took banana again today. I hope things go better.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

At work with mama

DS2 spent the day at work with me because he has a rash (possible ringworm) that we just started treating yesterday. He has to stay out of daycare for 24 hours. It has been a really good day. This morning & early afternoon he took 3 20 minute naps. Later this afternoon he finally took a long one (1.5 hrs). He only got really loud & fussy once, so we went for a walk saying "hi" to a lot of mama's co-workers.

Monday, May 03, 2004

He crawled

DS2 crawled this morning. DH told me that he saw DS2 move forward without roling. We watched him a little more and he did it again. It's a "combat crawl" with knees and forearms, and the right forearm was much more involved than the left, but it was definitely intentional forward motion.