Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Not a good day

I stayed home from work today. Yesterday I was starting to come down with a cold and generally started feeling yucky. I think I got it from DS when he gave me a nice slobbery kiss on my nose a day or so ago. Last night I was feeling very work out and "like I was coming down with something". This morning I was contemplating staying home, when my stomach convinced me that was the right thing to do. It's really bad timing to miss a day of work because I have a big project that needs to be finished by Saturday, but I have to take care of myself. Besides I would have been worthless and just felt worse there than here. At least I got several more hours of sleep this way, and I am starting to feel better, although I still feel run-down because I haven't eaten a lot today.

Friday, April 18, 2003

Loose ligaments

I've been doing yoga twice a week for two weeks now and my right patellar tendon has started to hurt. That puzzled me because that's my "good knee". I talked with the instructor today and she reminded me that a pregnant woman's ligaments loosen quite a bit in preparation for the birth. So my "bad knee" is probably just getting close to "normal" because of all of the scar tissue, and the "good knee" is loosening up a lot. I am skipping some of the poses and modifying some, but overall I like the class. Yoga is a lot harder work than it appears to be.

Monday, April 14, 2003


I have thought I felt movement several times in the past couple of weeks, but have not been sure. Right NOW I am sure! Yippee!

Friday, April 11, 2003


I thought the morning sickness was over. I'm almost 20 weeks along... this is supposed to be the "feeling good" trimester. Actually it is getting better, I just need to remember to NOT take my vitamin on an empty stomach.

Thursday, April 10, 2003


I started a yoga class on Tuesday. I sure was sore in the afternoon, but I think it will be very good once I get used to it. My muscles, particularly my back and legs, are very tight most of the time. It should also help with relaxing my mind, and hopefully it will help keep my blood pressure under control. The next class is tomorrow.

My BP is staying around 150/90 so far. That's a little on the high side, but as long as it stays there I should be okay. I've done a lot of research recently and the most interesting thing that I have learned is that whether chronic hypertension is controlled during pregnancy has little bearing on whether pregnancy-induced hypertension will develop. The most dangerous BP conditions do come with the combination of the two, though.