Blog to Another Baby

Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

34 weeks

My OB checkup went fine this morning. My BP was nice and low, my weight was down 2 lbs, and I measured right at 34 weeks. The nurse commented about my weight loss, but the doctor didn't. One reason is that I usually wear jeans and today I was wearing dress slacks. Another reason is that I have been sick with a horrible cold, cough, and quite possibly sinus infection. My next appointment is next week since we will be out of town 2 weeks from today.

Friday, July 25, 2003

It's been a bad week

Not specifically health-wise, but overall, I'm glad the week is almost over. It started out bad Sunday night when I came to work for a couple of hours and my coworker didn't show up. Then there was a hardware problem. Then on Monday I stayed home with DS because he had diarreha on Sunday. His eyes were goopy and bloodshot, so DH stayed home with him on Tuesday. When I got to work I discovered that we had been without power since 5am and no one had bothered to tell me. We went to the doctor, and I also stayed home in the afternoon. Then Wednesday morning, I stayed home because DS had to stay out of daycare until he had been on the antibiotic 24 hours. Then DH and I started feeling bad. Yesterday I stayed home from work and Sweet Adelines (DH took DS to daycare) because I had no voice and was exhausted. I came to work today, but still feel pretty lousy. None of us are sleeping well. The a/c serviceman has not called back (I've been trying for 2 weeks to get someone to come check our ductwork sizing and airflow). And I've had a backache for several days, which I am trying not to worry about since low dull backache is one sign on preterm labor. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Work/Life Programs

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Check up

My OB checkup went fine this morning. My uterus measured 32, which is the same as 2 weeks ago, but that's okay because I'm at 32 weeks now. I think baby just had a growth spurt before my last check up. I didn't gain any weight over the past 2 weeks either.

We chatted about how I would be monitored, being a VBAC, this time. Last time my doctor said "more closely", but I wanted more details because with being on pitocin last time I was watched pretty closely then. He said that I would probably have continuious fetal monitoring, especially during active labor. I asked about using the telemetry monitor so I could be up and move around. He said that if the hospital had one available, then yes, otherwise I would be in bed. That doesn't make me happy, so we may need to negotiate and I will definitely ask for the telemetry monitor as soon as I check in. At least I know the plan now, instead of finding out when they want to strap it on me.

DH asked about the baby measuring big on the sonogram. He is still concerned about us travelling to Colorado at 36 weeks. The doctor said that late sonograms are great for seeing baby parts, but bad for dating (and even not that great for estimating size). Early sonograms are good for dating because all babies start out the same size and grow about the same. However, even then, our early one (at 9 weeks) is +/- 1 week. The latest one would be +/- 2 weeks at best.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Keeping Cool for Two: Surviving Summer When You’re Expecting -- The high temperature was 109 F here yesterday. The coolest high this week is supposed to be 96 F tomorrow. Ugh!

Thursday, July 10, 2003

From Mothering Magazine -- Fighting VBAC-Lash: Critiquing Current Research: "vaginal birth after cesarean in the absence of gross medical intervention is a very safe proposition." There is a lot of information in this article.

Mothering Magazine -- Home Safe Home: A VBAC - My Way

Mothering Magazine -- Editorials -- Having a Baby in America

Mothering Magazine -- Birth After Cesarean: A Primer for Success

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

The Power of Pleasurable Childbirth -- I haven't read all of this yet, but I want to, so here's the link


From Measuring large for due date: "Women who have had previous cesarean births may also start out a bit larger. " -- another possible reason I am bigger.

Uses and Accuracy of Ultrasound -- I normally don't like this guy's answers, but at least he does explain ultrasound dating very well.

Calculating Due Dates

Calculating Due Dates

One other thing that was noted at the u/s yesterday was the amniotic fluid. The tech said they divide the uterus into quadrants, find the largest pocket of fluid that doesn't have baby or umbilical cord, and measure the longest dimension. It should total 5-20. (I'm not sure if that is always, or dependent upon gestational age.) My total was 15.

Breech Presentation -- At 30 weeks, 25% of all pregnancies are breech presentation, most change on their own at 32-34 weeks. At term, only 3-4% are still breech.

Fetal Macrosomia -- This is in outline format. I wish it gave more details.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean FAQ -

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean - -- a list of links

Perineal Massage - -- comments from Dr. Sears

Oh, I almost forgot, baby's position is currently head-up (aka breech), but there is plenty of time for somersaults and other position changes.


The sonogram went well. On the way to the doctor's office I wondered why we were doing it. (I really had to fight my cynicism and negativity. There are some disadvantages to reading lots of birth stories on the web.) The technician asked why also, and DH brought up checking on the amniotic fluid. I asked about checking for obvious birth defects; the technician said that if that is reason the sonogram is usually done around 20-24 weeks. Having a previous c-section is also a probably reason that my doctor wanted one.

Now the results:
Gender still unknown (at our request).
No obvious birth defects (spine looks good, heart has 4 working chambers, 2 kidneys, 10 fingers & 10 toes, umbilicus looks good, etc.)
Heart rate 141, very close to usual estimates of 140.
Measurements are consistent at around 33 weeks - that's 2 weeks past where we expected, but it does coincide with the doctor's external measurement at my last appointment.

The measurements concern DH a bit. He doesn't want the baby to be born while we are on vacation (which will be week 36 or so). They could mean that the due date is off a bit (not really very likely) or that the baby will just be big, or that the baby just had a growth spurt and will slow back down soon. We'll find out if it concerns my doctor next week. It doesn't bother me, though. I figure if the baby keeps growing more than "2 weeks" every 2 weeks then more tests (like gestational diabetes for me, or "level 2" ultrasound for baby) may be ordered. If "large for dates" continues to be an issue then by VBAC may be in jeopardy, but I'm not going to get concerned about that unless/until I have good reason to.

Perineal Protection - Avoiding Tears

Allopathic Notes - Emergency Child Birth -- great instructions for an emergency professional for helping a mother have a baby.

Herbs -- for future reference

Birth Stories - Tonya Jamois -- a home VBAC

Sleep Cycles for Mom and New Baby

Monday, July 07, 2003


I'm having quite a bit of ligament or muscle pain "down front". It's in the pubic bone area and is right where my doctor presses to start measuring fundal height. (I had to ask him to let off of the pressure once he found the spot last week at my check up.) He says as long as the pressure is there and not in the vagina then it is normal. My body is getting ready to be able to let the baby out. I don't remember feeling this quite so early last time.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Becoming a Stay-Home Mom

30 weeks

I gained 1.5 lbs in the past two weeks, and I'm measuring at 32 weeks. However, I had a different doctor measure me this time than I have been seeing prior to today. I have switched over to the doctor in the practice who will be with me for the delivery. Today we talked about how decisions might go differently since I am planning on having a VBAC, about the flexibility of my due date, about the pelvic pain I have been having (since it's in the pubic bone area only, not the vagina also, it is almost definitely just the ligaments loosening), and about treating my rosesea that has flared up badly (either nothing now or OTC hydrocortizone cream).

I go back in 2 weeks, but between now and then I will have a sonogram. He wants to check on the baby's growth and on my amniotic fluid. We don't want any amniotic fluid surprises, since that's what instigated the induction last time.