Blog to Another Baby
Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.
Friday, August 29, 2003
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Some more birth stories for this afternoon
Unmedicated Hospital VBAC
Quick Labor and Delivery, VBAC
Staying Home in Early Labor, Sudden Late Dilation
Successful VBAC, No Drugs
Successful Vaginal Birth After Cesarean; Lots of Great Support
Successful VBAC: No Uterine Rupture but Lots of Reading
Awesome Unmedicated Birth with Doula
Catcher's Mitt and a Bath Towel Stat!
Elizabeth Arrives: Gas Pains That Were Really Contractions
I Prayed for Easy Birth and That's What I Got
Was He Surprised!
Amazing Natural VBAC
Breech Version and 30 Hour Bradley VBAC
I didn't take that nap, but I called my doula just to update her about yesterday's checkup. I commented about my backache and queazy stomach. She said that both are sometimes signs of early labor. In a way I hope so, but in I was I do want to wait at least another week, because we are not ready at home and I am not ready at work.
Some uplifting birth stories for today from BirthStories.Com
Homebirth After Cesarean, 12-Pound Baby
Second Baby: Unexpected Delivery
Our Second Blessing From God
Second C-Section the Best
10 lb 9 oz VBAC! (Bradley & Homebirth)
VBAC -- I Really Did It!
Quick and Easy Delivery -- Doctor Missed the Birth!
VBAC -- Easy Delivery!
I have a bit of a backache this morning. My stomach is queazy, too, but that's been the norm lately. I think I'll close my office door and take a catnap after I finish my snack.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
38 weeks
My checkup went well this morning. Fundal height is measuring right at 38, blood pressure was 120/90 (doc was not concerned about the 90), my weight was the same (which surprised me), and we did not do an internal check. We had a good talk about a few questions that I forgot to ask last week and a couple of things that came up when I met with my doulas last week, too.
Monday, August 25, 2003
Newborns: Care of the Uncircumcised Penis -- Something got me reading about circumcision again today. Here's a good article about the basics of the intact penis. My stomach churns when I think about circumcision. (It churns pretty easily these days, even for things not so horrific.)
Thursday, August 21, 2003
37 weeks
My weekly checkup went fine yesterday. We also met with our doulas again. My uterus is measuring right at 37, my blood pressure is still doing fine, and my weight is up 1 pound from 2 weeks ago.
We had quite a long talk with my doctor about my birth plan, things to expect, and when to call / go to the hospital. There were a few things in my birth plan (that were okay with him last time) that he did not agree with this time because of being extra cautious because of being a VBAC. One is the hep lock; I wanted to wait, he wants it in. I figured that one wouldn't fly, but hey, if you don't ask. Another is no restrictions on food or drink. He wants no food and just sips and ice chips once I come to the hospital. He did say "nutritious drink" when talking about sips, so maybe Ensure or some other protein drink would be okay. If not, I'll probably do what I did last time and snack lightly early in labor and drink when I am thirsty despite the anesthesiologist's protests. An emergency c-section will be like last time anyway, and a non-emergency one will hopefully be with an epidural instead of general so we won't have to worry about stomach contents.
I have a chart of which doula is on call which day, from now until 2 weeks after my due date. I have a project to finish up at work, and I need to clear off my desk. Just 10 more days at work, thanks to the Labor Day holiday (assuming baby doesn't come any earlier than September 6.)
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
MotheringDotCommune Forums - somebody tell me something *good* about having 2 children -- This is nice to read. Good experiences of having 2 kids, some as close together as ours will be.
Monday, August 18, 2003
The Emotional Ups and Downs of Pregnancy -- I sure experienced this last night! We got back from a very nice week long vacation yesterday in the early afternoon. DS was asleep (but much later than usual). DH and I were still up at 1 this morning, and I had a meltdown. I really hate not being in control of my emotions. I expect my body to be out of control with the baby due in less than a month, but I still want my brain and my emotions. Unfortunately neither of them are "me" anymore either. In some ways it will get better after the baby is born; at least "pregnant brain" will go away. But I will most likely get even less sleep and the emotional roller coaster will just be on a different track.