DS2 tried to take a dive off of the changing table this evening. Recently he has gotten so he likes to roll over and head for the side of the table when his diaper is getting changed. This evening, I had finished putting on the clean diaper and had a hold on his outfit, and reached over to put the dirty diaper in the pail. I kept him from falling as he was completely going over the side by holding tight onto his clothes. It could have been quite a crash / thud if I had not been holding on. We have never used the flimsy strap that is on the table, because I think it would do more harm than good. I think it is time to start changing him on the floor for a while. Whew!
Blog to Another Baby
Same song, second verse. My second pregnancy resulted in a boy. I still need somewhere to write, and this blog is for thoughts, feelings, and observations regarding DS2.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Seventh Generation | Making A Difference, Asthma is Giving U.S. a Case of Very Bad Breath -- DS2 started wheezing this weekend. It was just a couple of times on Saturday, but it has continued durin exertion since then. He never appears to be in distress or to be not getting enough air, but he is making noises as he breaths. I will be calling the doctor later today to see if we should bring him in or just "keep watching" to see if it gets worse.