Sleep Study -- finally
DS2 had his sleep study done last night, after rescheduling twice. I'm pretty wiped out today because I slept very lightly and woke up every time he wiggled. We had a crib available, but the techs and I decided that it would be easier and he would probably sleep better next to me on the bed.
He didn't mind getting the electrodes stuck in his hair, but the ones on his face bothered him. He fell asleep pretty easily as first, because we nursed laying on the bed, and because he was pretty tired. When he tried to roll around during the night he got caught on the wires & woke up. One time I nursed him quickly and that settled him back down. Another time he sat up and wiggled so much that the techs had to come in to untangle him and restick several of the nodes. I think after that time he figured out to not roll over, plus I kept my arm on him to keep his calm and settled.
In the morning the only bad part was having the face electrodes removed because they had been secured with tape. Ouch! His hair was bunched up and quite gunky, so we stopped by home to have a quick bath before going to daycare (at about our usual time). Daddy and DS1 were home alone overnight, and I haven't hear how things went for them yet.
We have a follow-up appointment with the pediatric pulmonologist in 2 1/2 weeks to discuss the results.